Broadcast: News items
EDI Champions supporting Gypsy, Travellers, Roma, Showman, and Boaters
Posted on behalf of: Internal Communications
Last updated: Tuesday, 18 July 2023
We were thrilled to welcome Michelle Gavin from Friends, Families, and Travellers (FFT) to run an awareness session for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champions as part of our commitment to the newly secured race equality charter mark - .
The impactful discussion between FFT and EDI Champions explored misconception, representation, guidance and an insight into some of the education barriers that are put in place for learners with Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater heritage. Lunch and a copy of Damian Le Bas's The Stopping Places - a good Sussex-based introduction to Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) culture and misunderstandings - supported discussion that continued well beyond the end of the session.
This training has been part of a broader range of activities either delivered or supported by the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë as part of June’s ‘GRT History Month’. We supported the 'Creating Voice: Exploring the Student Journey' event at ACCA which explored diversity and intersectionality of our student population; we supported a FFT event at Jubilee Library, Brighton which showcased a community photographic project and reflected on opportunity; Emily Danvers led an academic discussion exploring better understanding of the support needed for those GRT heritage learners who access university education. Additionally we flew the Travellers Movement flag above Sussex House for the month. These events are in addition to other in reach and outreach initiatives being delivered by the Widening Participation Team, and Student Experience Team.
We are keen to gather comments and consideration to be part of a wider, internal network of knowledge and support for this group of communities: the first three responders to send a comment to the EDI Unit via ( will receive a free copy of The Stopping Places by Damien Le Bas. We very much welcome your input.
Chris Derbyshire, Widening Participation
Emily Danvers, ESW
Mary Howarth, EDI Unit