Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS), ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë
Tuesday 7 June 2022, 2 – 7 pm
Zoom webinar
Registration: link below
The concept of emergence as a way of understandinghow new kinds of things come to be in the world, from cells to societies, grounded in but not ‘merely’ composed of material stuff, has a long and controversial history. For detractors it is handwaving at best, magical dualism at worst. For fans it holds out the possibility of accounting for the autonomous causal capacities of living things in a way still grounded in physical reality. Recently, new work based in the formal modeling of dynamic systems has created the possibility of fusing the philosophical and empirical approaches to form a new synthesis.
This workshop brings together expertsonemergence with the aim of forming this synthesis. There will be two panelsdiscussing their respective positions following brief presentations of these.In the final session, discussants will be invited to ask questions, and the audience will have the opportunity to participate.
In the gaps, Max Cooper (an audio-visual artist with a PhD in computational biology) will talk about and share some work from his Emergence project.
2pm – Introductions
Panel 1
2:15 – Lionel Barnett
2:30 – Jessica Wilson
2:45 – Oliver Sartenaer
3:00 – Michael Silberstein
3:15-3:45 – discussion
Interlude with Max Cooper
Panel 2
4:00 – Fernando e Rosas
4:15 – Carolyn Dicey Jennings
4:30 – Jessica Flack
4:45 – Lauren Ross
5:00 – Mark Bedau
5:15-5:45 – discussion
Interlude 2
6:00-7:00 Questions & answers
The event is hosted by the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Centre for Cognitive Science (COGS)
Workshop organiser/further details:
- Simon Bowes – S.C.Bowes@sussex.ac.uk
The workshop is open to everyone. There is no charge for attendance, but places are limited. Please register here: