
Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER)

Events Archive: 2011/12

The following events took place during the current academic year. Click on the links for seminar abstracts and recordings of past seminars.

Date: 19th November 2012
Time: 5-6:30pm
Venue: Room 203, Fulton
Speaker: Professor Barbara Bagilhole, Loughborough University, UK & Professor Kate White, Ballarat University Australia
Title: Gender, Power and Management: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Higher Education.

Professor Bagilhole and Dr White together analysed the status of women in senior management and identified skill requirements for effective management. Their research generated interest from other feminist researchers and, by 2007, led to the formation of the Women in Higher Education Management Network.

Their co-authored book, the title of this seminar, is also the Network's first research project. It is the first multi-country study of how men and women work together in higher education senior management teams within a broader organisational context. Their research explores pathways into senior management, perceptions of how women and men regard each other's performance, and their influence on universities. It questions where women fit in university senior management, whether or not they can make a distinctive contribution to university decision-making, and the impact of organisational cultures on their effectiveness as managers and leaders.

Finally, their research explores why interventions need to be developed for women who wish to apply for higher education senior management positions.

Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo - 19nov2012 [DOC 141.00KB]



Date: Thursday 18th October 2011
Time: 12pm
Venue: Room 203, Fulton
Speaker: Dr Barbara Grant, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Title: Pleasure, pride, compliance, resentment, shame, anger: Women academics' responses to NZ research audit

In this seminar, Dr Grant draws on data from 16 interviews with female academics to examine the emotions they expressed in New Zealand's Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF).

Partly stimulated by Professor Louise Morley's argument about audit technologies producing a psychic economy symptomatic of gendered identity construction (2007), Dr Grant's study uncovered a complex an unpredictable array of emotional responses which, she feels, must nuance our understanding of the fabrication of gendered researcher identity, as well as provide food for thought when considering the criticisms (Davies & Petersen, 2005) of academics' complicity with neo-liberalism in the academy.

Seminar Promo: OS Seminar Promo: 18oct2012 [DOC 140.00KB]


Date: 2nd July 2012
Time: 2 - 4.30pm
Venue: Room 255, Bramber House
Speaker: Professor Bruce Macfarlane, University of Hong Kong
Title: Intellectual Leadership in Higher Education: Renewing the Role of the University Professor
Promo: CHEER Seminar promo: 2july2012 [DOC 140.50KB]


Date: 16th April 2012
Time: 5-6:30pm
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: David Ruebain, Chief Executive, Equality Challenge Unit
Title: Current issues of equality and diversity in higher education

The Equality Challenge Unit is an organisation funded by the higher education sector to promote equality in universites in the UK. David took up the post of Chief Executive in June 2010. Before that, he practiced as a solicitor for 21 years holding the roles of Director of Legal Policy at the Equality and Human Rights Commission of Great Britain, and was a partner at and founder of the Department of Education and Disability Law at Levenes Solicitors.

David is a Short Term Expert to a European Union Twinning Project, an ADR Group Accredited Mediator, a founding member of The Times Newspapaer Law Panel, a past equality law adviser to the FA Premier League and a past board member of Equinet - the European Network of Equality Bodies.

David has published widely and taught nationally and internationally on education, disability and equality law, and has been involved with numerous voluntary organisations, drafting Private Members' Bills and making oral representations to Committees of Parliament.

David is the winner of RADAR's People of the Year Award for Achievement in the Furtherance of the Human Rights of Disabled People in the UK, 2002, was shortlisted for the Law Societys Gazette's Centenary Award for Lifetime Achievement - Human Rights, 2003 and listed (in 2006) as one of the 25 Most Influential Disabled People in the UK by "Disability Now" magazine.

Remote participation is available for this seminar. Log on to: https//connectpro.sussex.ac.uk/cheer_ruebain16april

Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo: 16april2012 [DOC 140.50KB]


Date: 13th February 2012
Time: 5-6:30pm
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: Dr Cecile Hoareau, Centre for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley
Title: A Bologna process for the US? Higher education and different attitudes to coordination in Europe and the US

Higher education policy is high on the agenda in both Brussels and Washington, both seeing it as a key to innovation capacity. Yet the competencies of Brussels and Washington have traditionally been limited. In the late 1990s, however, the European Bologna process led to an unprecedented reform movement in Europe. By contrast, the effects of the Lumina Foundation in the US were more limited. Why was a coordination of the reforms more widespread in Europe that in the US?

In this seminar, Dr Hoareau will compare indicators to dismiss the largely political argument centred around the need to increase “excellence” in Europe. She will also highlight the differentiated institutional and historic context to explain trends in higher education policy in Europe and the US.

In summary, Dr Hoareau contributes to the policy debate on the future of higher education by explaining often overlooked differences across different regions of the world.

Seminar Promo: Occasional Speaker Promo - 13feb2012 [DOC 140.00KB]
Seminar Presentation: Hoareau - A Bologna Process for the US? [PPTX 1.85MB]