Wi-Fi at Sussex


The main network at Sussex is called eduroam, which is available across campus.

Choose the eduroam network and when prompted enter:

- Windows or Apple computer

1. [username]@sussex.ac.uk. For example: ano123@sussex.ac.uk
2. Password: your university IT password.
3. You may be prompted to trust the network.
4. You should then connect to the network.

- iOS:

1. [username]@sussex.ac.uk. For example: ano123@sussex.ac.uk
2. Password: your university IT password.
3. Save password and Trust the network.
4. You should then connect to the network.

- Android / Chromebook:
  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
  • CA certificate: Do not validate
  • Identity: [username]@sussex.ac.uk. For example: ano123@sussex.ac.uk
  • Anonymous identity: [blank]
  • Password: [your university IT password]
- Google Pixel:
  • EAP method: PEAP
  • Phase 2 authentication: MSCHAPV2
  • CA certificate: Use system certificates
  • Minimum TLS version: TLS V1.0
  • Certificate status: Do not verify
  • Domain: sussex.ac.uk
  • Identity: [username]@sussex.ac.uk. For example:ano123@sussex.ac.uk
  • Anonymous identity: [blank]
  • Password: [your university IT password]
For Linux click the link below:


Wifinity network is the preferred network in residences used to connect computers,  mobile phones, gaming consoles and other smart devices.

Once registered, all students have free access to the Wifinity basic package with the option of upgrading their account for a fee.

Click the box below for more information:

You can find troubleshooting information and learn about the visitor Wi-Fi service (O2).

Other Wi-Fi and Support

Updated on 6 December 2024