Safeguarding and Prevent
The ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of its community regardless of their age; disability gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race; religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.
The University, as a higher education provider, is not subject to the same legal safeguarding duties as schools, further education colleges, local authorities, and care providers. However, as part of creating a safe environment for its community and aside from its legal disclosure and barring obligations, it has a moral and ethical responsibility to help safeguard the welfare of children and adults at risk by reporting any such concerns.
The University is committed, through its core values of diversity, friendliness, inclusion, innovation and professionalism and to treating all people with respect and dignity; to challenge any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, intimidation, exploitation or abuse; and to safeguard children and adults at risk. All members of the University community have an essential role to play in keeping children and adults at risk safe.
The ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Safeguarding Policy can be found Safeguarding: ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Operational Safeguarding Guidance has been prepared to assist staff. This can be accessed by clicking on the Safeguarding Guidance tab on the left-hand side of the webpage or clicking here.
University point of contact:
Louise Spenceley, Governance and Compliance Senior Manager -
Support available: Advice and guidance, training.
Each Faculty or PS Division should:
- Familiarise themselves with the University Safeguarding approach and Safeguarding Policy
- Ensure that all staff complete the mandatory Safeguarding Essentials training package on LearnUpon
- Ensure that all new staff complete the Safeguarding Essentials course within one month of joining the University.
Relevant webpage(s):
Compliance indicators:
You are aware of your responsibilities within the University's Safeguarding Policy and have mechanisms in place to ensure compliance within your Faculty or PS Division. |
You have completed the mandatory Safeguarding Essentials course on LearnUpon and ensured that all staff have completed it. |
You have at least two dedicated Local Safeguarding Officers within your Faculty or PS Division. |
You and any staff within your Faculty or PS Division who fall within the nominated cohort have completed the mandatory Prevent training on LearnUpon. |
You are aware of the DBS guidance for managers and have you incorporated this into your recruitment processes within your Faculty or PS Division. |