Sussex Researcher School

Festival of Doctoral Research 2018

Sussex's first Festival of Doctoral Research ran from Tuesday 26 - Thursday 28 June, showcasing the significant contribution our doctoral researchers make to our vibrant research community.

After the Festival, Paul Roberts (Assistant Director of the Doctoral School) gave his thoughts: "The Festival was fantastic - a great opportunity for students, academics, and staff, to come together to celebrate the world-leading research here at Sussex. On behalf of the Doctoral School, I'd like to thank everyone who came along and supported the event. Whether you were a participant or a visitor, you helped to make these three days in June one of the highlights of our year, so thank you."

Research Image Competition Shortlist - Photographs and abstracts



List of winners

Check out our full list of winner's below - congratulations to everyone who took part this year!

Research Image Competition

Fieldwork Category

1st Prize: Tunde Alabi-Hundeyin.

Runner-up: Theresa Gooda

Science Category

1st Prize: Nephtali Garrido-Gonzalez

Runner-up: Martin Jung

People's Choice 

Perpetua Kirby

Three Minute Thesis

1st Prize: Jo Cutler

2nd Prize: Dorieke Grijseels

People's Choice: Ireena Nasiha Ibnu

Tweet Your Thesis

1st Prize: Anna Watson



three polaroids

Sussex Researcher School

E: researcher-school@sussex.ac.uk