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Saving and storing information
Box support and use
How do I add the Box tools to my work Mac?
Which file storage options are supported by IT Services? Which are GDPR compliant?
How do I clear cache for OneDrive or Box Drive?
How do I share files and folders in Box?
How can I use tags in Box?
Can I recover a file I deleted accidentally in Box?
How do I unlock a file in Box?
How do I use versioning in Box?
How do I work with Box from within Microsoft Office?
How do I read and edit files within Box?
How do I upload my files and folders into Box?
How to add the Box tools on an ITS Staff PC?
What apps can I use with Box?
Can I set an expiration date on links to Box files and folders?
Can I use Box on my phone, tablet or laptop?
How do I decide whether to use Box or one of the other Sussex storage facilities?
How do I install Box Edit and Box Office on a Mac, tablet or mobile device?
Are the Box applications already installed on my desktop?
How can I store more than 100GB on Box?
How do I create an an upload widget to a Box folder?
How do I install Box Drive?
Updated on 02 July 2024