Research and knowledge exchange

R&I Service Standards

R&I seeks to provide a level of support that meets or exceeds the following service standards, recognising that each project or activity will have its own set of constraints.


We should respond to enquiries in a timely fashion, and keep our internal colleagues and external customers informed of progress on a regular basis.


Cover for departmental operations should be in place throughout normal office hours.


The information we provide should be accurate, complete, and not require reworking through error, and be provided in a usable and understandable manner.


The tasks we undertake should be completed efficiently and effectively.


We should be professional in our conduct, treating other people, both colleagues and external customers, with due courtesy, and demonstrating a responsive and pro-active service culture.


We should be competent in the tasks we are expected to undertake, and have received appropriate training, development and exposure to good practice.

Our ability to deliver a complete service will depend on our colleagues providing us with full information and adequate notice. This may require that some projects or activities receive oversight attention only, given the time available before submission to the external customer (noting the need also to go through the University’s internal authorisation process).