
Law of Evidence

Module code: M5025
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Workshop
Assessment modes: Essay, Coursework

This module is a critical study of the law of evidence in England and Wales. It also considers selected developments in other common law jurisdictions such as Australia, Canada and the USA.

You will explore developments in evidential rules and consider how they impact upon the fairness of the criminal trial including:

  • the presumption of innocence
  • burden of proof
  • the right to silence.

You will also examine the relationship between human rights protections and evidential rules (for example confession evidence, sexual history evidence).

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate systematic knowledge and understanding of some of the key evidentiary rules and principles within the criminal justice system
  • Systematically appreciate the purposes and functions of the law of criminal evidence
  • Offer a critical analysis of contemporary developments in criminal evidence in a clear and coherent manner
  • Identify, analyse, evaluate and interpret significant legal, policy and ethical issues pertaining to criminal evidence.