
Photo of Paolo OprandiPaolo Oprandi
Educational Technologist (E-learning)


Doctoral thesis:

Supporting learning autonomy and curriculum coverage in university teaching: three case studies of formative assessment


The support of learning through a learning management system in a higher education institution (Nov 2008)

Available on request


Evaluating teaching staff reaction to and use of a learning management system at a University one year after its full implementation: the adoption process (Sept 2007)

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The pilot of a questionnaire: a participatory tool in the shared production of knowledge? (Apr 2007)

Available on request


The Social Factors Shaping the Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies in Higher Education in relation to Dutton, W. H., Cheong, P. H. & Park, N (2004) An Ecology of Constraints on e-Learning in Higher Education: The Case of a Virtual Learning Environment (Dec 2006)

Available on request


The Digital Divide: Creation, Aggravation and steps towards Resolution in relation to the Fiankoma Teachers Programme (Sept 2005)

Available on request


Business to business: Integrating the Enterprise

BAE Systems (September 2000)


Process knowledge representation: accelerating the drug development process

Pfizer Central Research (May 2000)